Display Starik Instead Of String In Console Dev C++

How to show star when entering characters in console application? C# / C Sharp Forums on Bytes.

P: n/a
Aright, I just knew it had to be in there and that is just about as sweet as
can be. Thank you soooo much.
For anybody else wishing more info on this, to get a list of the strings
that you pass into the envVar['some key'],
use this code inside the foreach loop below that Brian wrote
foreach (PropertyData obj In envVar.Properties)
It turns out that, for the information I was seeking, I needed to pass in
the 'Win32_DesktopMonitor' string instead of 'Win32_VideoController'
Awesome set of classes NTL.
'Brian Brown' <Br********@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
news:30**********************************@microsof t.com...
Hi Steve,
You can use the System.Management classes and WMI to find out this
information. I have written a sample for you below with the link to (oneof) the class in the WMI documentation.
I hope this helps.
//documentation link
//sample code
SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery('Win32_VideoController');
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query);
foreach (ManagementBaseObject envVar in searcher.Get())

Display Starik Instead Of String In Console Dev C 5

Display starik instead of string in console dev c windows 10

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Display Starik Instead Of String In Console Dev C Windows 10

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